FOCETA is pleased to release the public project Newsletter n°3, which is the last issue of the FOCETA newsletters.
In this newsletter issue we present the following content:
- Editorial note by the Project Coordinator, Saddek Bensalem (UGA);
- Capitalization of FOCETA research in the two project use cases: the Automated Valet Parking use case and the Medical use case.
- Interview with Dejan Ničković, Senior Scientist at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, and Technical Manager of the FOCETA project.
- The Get Together section, with information on the international conferences and workshops where FOCETA results will be presented in the coming months.
- Save the date: FOCETA Final Public Workshop, scheduled on Thursday, 12 October 2023 in Grenoble, France.
- Last but not least: the list of scientific papers published by FOCETA partners, as well as the list of relevant tools in FOCETA.
The FOCETA Newsletter n°3 can be downloaded here : FOCETA_Newsletter_3_20230622
Feel free to share the newsletter with your network. Enjoy the reading!
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