FOundations for Continuous Engineering of Trustworthy Autonomy
Convergence of data-driven and model-based engineering
The underlying targeted scientific breakthrough of FOCETA lies in the convergence of model-driven and data-driven approaches. This convergence is further complicated by the need to apply verification and validation incrementally and avoid complete re-verification and re-validation efforts.
FOCETA’s paradigm will be implemented through a framework built on three scientific pillars:
Integration of learning-enabled components and model-based components via a contract-based methodology which allows incremental modification of system under analysis including threat models for cyber-security or environment models
Adaptation of verification techniques applied in model-driven design to learning components, with the goal of enabling transparent and unbiased decision making
Development of a new design paradigm for autonomous systems with incremental synthesis techniques unifying both the enforcement of safety and security critical properties as well as performance optimization
The FOCETA approach will be applied to the most demanding and challenging applications such as urban driving automation and intelligent medical devices, in order to demonstrate its viability, scalability and robustness, while addressing European industry cutting edge technology needs.
Implemented in open source tools and with open data exchange standards.
FOCETA gathers prominent academic groups and leading industrial partners to develop foundations for continuous engineering of trustworthy learning-enabled autonomous systems.
Feedback from the FOCETA Final Review meeting and Final Public Workshop
The final act of the FOCETA project was played on 10-12 October 2023 in Grenoble, at the Université Grenoble Alpes’ premises, with the FOCETA M37 General Assembly meeting, the Final Review meeting and the Final Public Workshop. The Final Review meeting was held on...
FOCETA consortium gathering in Grenoble, France, for the Final Review Meeting and Final Project Public Workshop
The final FOCETA event, that includes the Final Review Meeting and the Final Project Public Workshop, will be held on 11-12 October 2023 in Grenoble (France). 11 October 2023 will be dedicated to the Final Review meeting (morning) and the public live demonstrations...
FOCETA Project Newsletter N°3 / June 2023 released
FOCETA is pleased to release the public project Newsletter n°3, which is the last issue of the FOCETA newsletters. In this newsletter issue we present the following content: Editorial note by the Project Coordinator, Saddek Bensalem (UGA); Capitalization of FOCETA...