On 4 October 2022, the FOCETA consortium gathered for the M25 General Assembly meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece, in parallel to the OpenDR-FOCETA summer School.
After 2 years of online and hybrid meetings due to the global pandemic, all FOCETA partners gathered all together for the first time.
The meeting was kindly hosted by AUTh, who warmly welcomed the partners and ensured a smooth and successful meeting organisation.
The General Assembly meeting allowed to discuss about the progress performed in each work package as well as to tackle key technical discussions, especially in view of the official review meeting with the European Commissions’ Project Officer. The FOCETA consortium could count on the expert advice of Advisory Board members Javier Ibanez-Guzman from Renault Groupe and Vahid Hashemi from Audi AG, who also attended the meeting.
After the meeting, partners were invited to a guided visit of the Archaelogical Museum of Thessaloniki.
Picture: FOCETA consortium partners and the Advisory Board members in front of the Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center in Thessaloniki.